Courage over Comfort?

Courage over Comfort?

Courage or Comfort? Which one shall it be? I enjoy reading books with impactful messages, and on the list (aside from my Life Application Bible) is Brene Brown’s Braving the Wilderness. I am a slow reader, with multiple tools that consist of a highlighter, Post-its...
Just Another Sunday Morning!

Just Another Sunday Morning!

It was just another Sunday morning, sunny… Warm and nice outside, but something was calling me to take my morning routine back to bed. Dogs, coffee, and my books – such luxury. I do this a bit more in the winter months when it’s cold and dreary outside. Not...
Pathway to Persistence

Pathway to Persistence

Pathway to Persistence   What to comes to your mind when you think of the word persistence? Do you think of the strong person climbing their way to the top of the summit? Do you think of the celebrity leader who has defied all odds to accomplish what they desire?...
Luna Tuna is one year old.

Luna Tuna is one year old.

One year has flown by so fast yet so much has happened! Luna Tuna is a one year old! October 1st, 2016 we drove 2 hours to receive our new little girl, Luna, a beautiful black lab. The night before, there was a black moon in the sky, her name was a no-brainer, Luna! I...