Pathway to Persistence

Pathway to Persistence

Pathway to Persistence   What to comes to your mind when you think of the word persistence? Do you think of the strong person climbing their way to the top of the summit? Do you think of the celebrity leader who has defied all odds to accomplish what they desire?...
Kneel or Stand? Does it Matter?

Kneel or Stand? Does it Matter?

I am not a fan of sports, especially professional sports. I feel these players are celebrities in the eyes of many. So many look up to these pros, especially kids. Now hang on, I am going to rant here, so you have the choice right now to stop reading and click off. We...
Curious as a Cat! Are you?

Curious as a Cat! Are you?

Curious as a Cat! Are you? Remember that cliché? I heard this a lot when I was younger, and now as an adult, a few things hit home around this one. I am an adult that asks questions, so I am often told that I sound like a curious toddler! (Love it!) But the other cord...
Is is ALL in the Numbers?

Is is ALL in the Numbers?

Numbers, numbers. It is all a game…or is it? Is it all in the numbers? Being an online business owner, numbers are king, or is it queen? All I have heard for years is numbers. I want numbers, numbers, numbers and more numbers. Well, the old cliché is “it’s all a...