I Don’t Want to Grow Up, I am a Toys-R-Us Kid!

I am singing the Toys-R-Us song! This girl doesn’t want to grow up. Ever. I’m a kid at heart, however, I would love for the adults in my life to grow up. Nice double standard there, huh? The month of February has been hell; my mom had a valve replacement and bypass surgery. She is the primary caregiver for my father who has dementia. When I began taking over some daily tasks to make things easier for them, I was reminded that my mother was the parent. I bit my tongue to prevent myself from saying, “then act like one! Seriously!”

I have decided with aging parents; I don’t want to grow up. Now there is far more to it than not wanting to grow up so let’s back up a bit.

Preparing for those unforeseen life events

We knew my mom was having this surgery soI did everything to prepare myself while continuing to move forward with my life. I believe what we can manage in our lives to do so, not get behind by saying YES to EVERYTHING, then when our unforeseen obstacles happen (flat tires, aging parents, sick kids and so on) we do not spin out of control even more! (Yes I said even more) So here is what I did:

  1. I cleared my scheduled
  2. My husband prepped food and came in and out for the dogs in between appointments
  3. I washed my hands A LOT
  4. Ate smaller meals (appetite wasn’t the best)
  5. Doubled up the essential oils
  6. Took breaks such as by walking and breathing among other things for myself
  7. Stepped into therapy because a lot of healing was taking place on this relationship, more than I could ever imagine.

I still got sick-darn it! So I sit here, cold and fatigued fighting the first cold I’ve had in years. I ask myself what more can I do?

I have trouble with surrendering, letting go, and relinquishing control. (Yep I am a recovering control freak!) I feel that trying to control everything makes me sick, in more ways than one! (No kidding, Kim!) I haven’t been taking my supplements, which didn’t help either. My adrenals are out of whack, and that can cause a lot of chaos for me.  (Stress and fatigue can wreak havoc on the adrenals. Yes, I am an anxiety management expert now! Ha.) I didn’t have a complete handle on myself when I went into all of this. I was behind an eight ball. Hence, I got sick stressed, worn out and not myself.

I really do want everyone in my life to grow up!

Stop complaining and make the changes, or stop calling me. I’ve had 57 years of this, and it is getting worse. I know complaints come with age, but boy do my parents loooove to complain! I have a choice. I can step into their whirlwind of negativity, or move on. Moving on is easier said than done, though, this is why I stepped into getting supported.

I know they have breathed life into me, and I am so grateful. However, do I need to get in the middle of their war? I don’t think so. Then why do I feel that nagging little knife in the pit my stomach?

And The Hag in the Attic begins.

“You should! They are your parents! What will others think of you? Will God turn you away? Aren’t you supposed to soften your heart, Kim?” I think this hag is yet another symptom of my cold.

I need to breathe and schedule some alone time without worrying about the dogs and such. Shut everything off electronics and let my brain settle. Relax and decompress. All will be fine! All will be as shall be.

I will begin with breathing, blogging, and stopping to just sit still for a moment. This may sound simple, but it works! This calms me so I can be empowered for the decisions I need to make for myself as well as others.

We all have things in our lives that are unforeseen. We do not know when this will arise, but we have tools, skills, and choices of how we will handle this. The choice is yours…will you:

  1. Meltdown and go into overwhelm and stress?
  2. Drag your personal baggage into everything you do that day?
  3. Take a few more notches out of your personal esteem and confidence?


Will you surrender to managing all you can for that day or even that moment? Remember we are here to do the best we can with what we have in that very moment. This could be the time to look at everything on your schedule/in your life. Do you feel like you are going to break, feel guilty, fried out and done?

Take some time and start cleaning up YOU! We cannot do it all in one day. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

