Three Simple Steps to Enhance your Wellness!

Making exercise and wellness a part of your hectic busy day is easy. I will share with you three (yes just three) very simple ways to do this. (No more excuses for you!)

Did you know that I have owned a fitness business for twenty-eight years? I stepped into that business for many reasons. A lot of has come out of it, and there is still more to come. My business (private clients and group fitness) is all right here in my backyard (Detroit area). This has how I have run this business for years, no Internet! I started it back when there wasn’t an online fitness world. I have always preached mind, body and soul to wellness, even way back when I started. I do believe I was on to something… and if I only knew then what I know now!

NOT. I wasn’t ready, and the industry wasn’t calling for what and how I train/teach now. Okay, enough of that, there will be more to come here.

Today let’s focus on three easy, simple steps to enhance your wellness.

  1. Do not have time for more of anything? Well, well, well, I have the answer for that:

         Walk! Walk! Walk! Walking is very cost effective, and you can do this anywhere! I never leave home without my running shoes. (I wear running shoes       for walking.) If you are a 9-5 person so to speak, get out at lunch time and walk for 20-30 mins. Stuck at a desk a lot? Get up every hour to an hour            and a half and move. Move around your building, incorporate some stairs—and speaking of stairs, take those instead of the elevator! Just plain MOVE!

  1. Park further away from your destination and add a few extra steps to your day. It also saves on nicks, dings, and scratches on your car!


  1. WATER, WATER, WATER! Drink water and if you are saying I don’t like water then add some fresh fruit or veggies. You can even freeze fruit and use them as ice cubes. Drink water. We are a society of coffee, soda and so much more, but that doesn’t do the trick. We need WATER! We lose it through talking, perspiring, and simply living (your brain and heart are 73% water!). Our body needs water. There are so many water bottles out there: or are some of my favs!

These are very simple steps that can make a huge difference. They can be threaded into your day without taking up more time. However, why not take the time, time is there. This is for your wellness, your health, isn’t it? Super easy peasy!

Now, what are your excuses going to be? “BE GONE,” Wayne Dyer said! Excuses be gone!

Three simple steps to implement into your day. Three simple steps to enhance your wellness! Rock on and let’s get to it, TODAY!

